Meaning of (एक तरफ़) ek taraph in english
As noun : to one side Ex:  Gary took Fran to one side to talk to her .
on one side Ex:  A die can be "shaved" on one side i. aside Ex:  Place aside some of the smaller ones for later .
Other : apart Ex:  Nick pulled the parts of the box apart .
Suggested : into pieces or parts to pieces on or to one side to or at a short distance apart away from some position or direction
Exampleएक तरफ़ का हिन्दी मे अर्थ
Word of the day
(एक तरफ़) ek taraph
can be used as noun. and have more than one meaning. No of characters: 7 including vowels consonants matras.
Transliteration :
eka tarapha